Community outreach is a large part of our mission here at PenArts. We are constantly searching for ways to reach out into Pensacola. If you or your business is interested in participating in any of our community outreach programs, please, contact us at

Community Outreach Productions:
APRIL 2023
PenArts presented SURVIVORS by Deborah Layman as part of their free Community Outreach Presentations at The Gordon, Ever’man Coop, and B’nai Israel in honor of Yom Hashoah.
This powerful story shared the actual words of Holocaust survivors and the thoughts of high school students today.
Performed by Sydney Abad, Linda Beuthe, Jeremy Cutter, Bethany Elswick, Nic Fenger, Brianna Gutierrez-Diaz, Rachel Hedaria, Leia Kemp, Kayla LaCerra, and Christopher Mandel
MAY 2021
PenArts presented Lauren Gunderson’s I AND YOU, a play about one afternoon in the lives of two high school students. What begins as a project on Walt Whitman’s “Leaves of Grass” soon evolves into something much more profound.
This powerful and humorous production was especially aimed at middle school, high school, and college students to be a part of these free events.
Performed by Gamaliel Arroyo and Harper Garcia
MARCH 2020
The PenArts Inc presentation of EVERY BRILLIANT THING by Duncan Macmillan and Jonny Donahoe was the first free Community Outreach Presentation to help raise awareness and support suicide prevention.
Every Brilliant Thing – “An immersive theatrical experience that openly deals with depression, mental illness, and the effects of suicide on others in a poignant yet humorous manner. It highlights the resilience of the human spirit and the ability to find joy in the everyday.”
Performed by Kyle Golden and Durrell Bennett